Learn about the Pages Project
Welcome to the Pages community!

Dear members of the Pages network,


We would like to give you a wram welcome to the Pages community! With this occasion we would like to introduce you to our project and tell you a liitle bit about what we’ve set up to accomplish and what we’ve done up to this point.


Pages aims to support the global combat on ageism and to foster intergenerational cohesion at community level. To do so, it intends to upskill adult educators and community workers on how to engage older adults in learning as well as co-create an intergenerational programme, using creativity and culture to develop tolerance and respect for age diversity.


EngAGing Older Adults in Learning: a continuous professional development pathway for adult educators

The partnership will create training materials to support adult educators in motivating and engaging older adults in learning. This will include an awareness campaign to tackle ageism at a local level.


InterAGES: an Intergenerational programme towards ALL AGES

This result is the design of an intergenerational programme to involve and engage both young and old people using creativity and cultural assets from the local community.


PAGES Service Model to counteract AGEism for a Europe open to all

Develop of a service model that explains and describes all the stages and the different activities used in the intergenerational programme and how it feeds into each  country’s local context.


We are a team of seven organisations from seven European countries, each with a solid background in social innovation projects - from vulnerable people inclusion to community engagement or education. The transnational partnership will provide quality results to answer the needs of the main audience of the project.


We are: Wasla (Germany), Aproximar (Portugal), ACEEU (Germany), EaSI (Romania), K-Gem (Turkey), SOSU (Denmark), Verein der Akademie für Bildung, Culture, Kunst, Jugend und Sport der Europäischen Union (Austria)


The partners have been working on the first result of the project: EngAGing Older Adults in Learning: a continuous professional development pathway for adult educators


Ageist attitudes are connected with the way professionals intervene with older population and many times discrimination arises from own steretypes about ageing, even fi not conscious. We have discovered that educational activities are an effective intervention to combat ageism. The first result is a training course that will improve the skills of adult educators in engaging older adults in lifelong learning.


To support the combat against ageism we have put together an awareness campaign.   We have launched it on October 1st, celebrating  the international day of older persons. You can see the campaign on Facebook, Instagram and the Pages website.

Stay in touch!

Follow us on our Facebook & Instagram page to stay up to date with our latest news, activities, and project results! If you want to read more about Pages, check the project’s website. 

This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
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